Okay, up to this point I haven't had much in the way of gripes against the Spokesguy. He pretty much minds his own business and leaves me alone (if only the Spokeswoman would follow his example!). But, last night he crossed the line. Evidently he and the Spokeswoman had been watching a show about wigs for pets....during the commercial break, he runs to the door, calls me in, and proceeds to PUT A LONG BLONDE WIG on me. As you can see, I was NOT impressed. Whoever heard of a MEXICAN-CHINESE Shepherd sporting BLONDE hair...it is absolutely ridiculous!
Who do they think I am?...Hannah Montana?! This just was WRONG on so many different levels! How can I be taken seriously as Head of Security if I'm seen in long blonde tresses?!
Hmmmm...as I look at these pictures now, though, I realize that the wig really makes me look like an Afgan. I'll have to tuck that piece of knowledge in my memory bank...who knows, I might NEED to look like an Afgan someday. You know, if I need to go undercover or something!
It must be part of your khovert ops assignment...
Best of lukhk!
PeeEssWoo: I really find that better suit to Gabs but....
Oh that looks so cute but I have got to agree with Khyra that would look better on gabs!!!
haha have a good day M'lady
Love Travis
You are BOTH so right....a wig IS more Gabby's style! Maybe I can sneak the hideous thing out of the house and tuck it in her suitcase so it will disappear to Alaska with her next week!
I can't believe Gabby will be in ALASKA in just a week. She's been so annoying lately, that Vader and I are ready for a break from her...but, ALASKA still seems a bit too far away...
You need to build up your supply of disguises. But I don't think that you could ever pass for a chihuahua.
Princess Eva
Princess Eva, don't you think maybe I could pass for a chihuahua if I thought really small?!
I wrote a month or so back in the comments to one of my own posts that I actually really am a fat, little, brown chihuahua!
No one ever called me on that at the time. When I said it, it was a tongue and cheek jab at my Spokeswoman because she has a well documented phobia of fat, brown, little chihuahuas! She is fearless in the face of an aggressive rottweiler or an attack trained shepherd, but the mere sight of a spoiled little, fat, brown chihuahuas break her out in a cold sweat!
She's a home health nurse and an amazingly large percentage of SPOILED little, fat, brown chihuahuas are allowed by their doting owners to bite unsuspecting visiting nurses! Their owners seem to think it is cute. My Spokeswoman struggles with deep-seated prejudice against little chihuahuas and minature pinchers because she's seen so many of them that rule the roost and are totally beyond the control of their Spokespeople.
Sooo....when I want to torment her, I just cock my head to the side and listen intently and then whisper, "I think I hear a fat, brown, little chihuahua coming our way!" I just love seeing her break out in that cold sweat!
Hi Ransom! I think you look kind of like Madonna there. I've never heard of wigs for pets - very interesting.
See ya!
Ummm......No! You could never pass and don't think small! Think big! With some hair extensions and a little dye job, you could maybe pass for a Belgian.
And it's not nice to tease your Spokeswoman(remember who controls the treats). Those issues do happen a lot with the little dogs.
Brice attempted to play with a chihuahua at the dog park but it wasn't much fun since Brice walks faster than it could run. And Dad was scared that he would give it his trademark playful paw tap on it's head. Some people think that he's a big mean scary dog and don't want him to play with their little dogs but Momma just says that he is a very playful medium sized dog.
But I do have to tell you that before we got Brice, people always asked if I was a GSD/collie cross. Now that there are two of us, people say that we're beautiful and ask what we are. Momma always tells us that we have to present a positive image of our breed since few people have heard of us.
I think it is a great disguise!
I feel your pain! Mom is always putting crazy things on my head...a witch's hat, mouse ears, etc. If I have pose for pics, the least she can do is give me lots of treats!
OMDog Ransom!
I don't know what to say...
I am furry sorry...
Big licks to you
Hey, Mochi has a point there...I should have been given TREATS for enduring that! ICE CREAM!!!!
Speaking of ice cream, we DQ again yesterday and it was simply delicious!!!
And, Princess Eva, I think Belgians are BEAUTIFUL and wouldn't mind trying that disguise at all! As to the bit about not teasing my Spokeswoman...well, that is one of the few pleasures I have in life...don't deprive me of it! Besides, she NEEDS someone there to take her down a peg or two. I have to keep her in line for the sake of those little Ninjas! (Just ask THEM!!!)
Dahlink, you look Mahhhh-velous!
you look just like an afghan hound!!!!
Haroo!! Woo haz da BEST OF BOTH WORLDS, as woo might even be a ROCKSTAR with dat wig on yur head! Just make sure dat tomoorrow woo get to START ALL OVER before wee SEE YOU AGAIN. :)
Gus and Waldo
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