Pictures from the security camera. Can't she SEE how rapidly I am deteriorating? I was meant to run hang my head out the car window and feel the breeze in my sprawl on the living room take long walks with her and those two unbalanced dogs I try to supervise for her. This going no where, doing nothing...stuck in this backyard penitentiary day in and day out is draining the life spark right out of me. I am wasting away. Doesn't that Spokeswoman care?
And where is Dexter?
Ransom, you gotta break outta there! I'll drive by at NOON today and beep the horn. You start digging for your life!
Hi Ransom - we are new to your blog! I wish we knew a way to break you out of confinement - we would if we could. Can't wait to keep up with your adventures. Glad to come across another Shepherd!
Pruett and Daphne
Oh dear! I didn't get around to checking my comments until just now. I heard a lot of honking around noon, but I didn't know it was MY get-away car!!!
yet another missed opportunity for reprieve...
guess I'll just go back to playing dead at the far end of the yard against the fence...
(pretty convincing looking, isn't it?! I think I even have the "gaunt, verge of starvation" look, down pretty well!)
If this doesn't work soon, I'll try adding some pathetically weak doggy moans in to enhance the overall picture!
We feel like the single tear works well combined with the deep sigh. If you can get a good head cock in there, followed by a slow "lay down" then curl up, facing away from your human. Another big loud sigh. Let us know how it goes. You should put a countdown timer on your page so we all know exactly how long you have left in confinement!
Wow, Pruett and guys are REAL PROS!!! I can't wait to try out your technique! I'm gonna shut down the computer now so I can get plenty of practice time in before the Spokeswoman gets back home. Soon as she gets home, I'm giving it a test run to see what happens. Obviously my CURRENT strategy is leaving something to be desired! I think YOUR strategy might just work, though! I mean, now that I think about it, that sounds JUST LIKE what my sister Gabby would do and she ALWAYS seems to get whatever she wants!
Wow! Thanks for the TERRIFIC advice!!! I can't wait to try it out!!!
(The whole counter thing is a good idea, too...I'll have to look in to that later tonight!!!)
Oh my furry girrrl furiend...
I'm going to stay outside in my yard in a show of support fur woo...
But furst, I must finish my yummy bowl of dinner!
Do woo think she'll khrakhk soon???
Khyra O'Husky
Hang in there, Ransom. And even though this probably won't make you feel any better: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Your pal,
Oh no.. You look very sad...
You should find some way to escape....
I wish I can come save you
~ Bae
Oh poor Ransom :( Have you started teaching the little Ninjas to swim yet?
Big licks to you
Wow! Thanks, guys! It sure is good to have friends like all of you! Just reading everyone's words here has MADE it a HAPPY St. Patrick's Day, after-all!
(and I NEED to get the Ninjas to the lake, so I can start teaching them how to swim...soon as it gets really hot out, I bet I can maneuver the Spokesjerk into taking us to the lake!)
Hi Ransom
If you and Suzuki need some help getting the ninjas out of there, I would be happy to help.
Gruffs from the Scruff
Hi lazy sister of mine....First off you have never had any are a low you can't have the life drained out of you any more than you already have.
I depsise shackles--I despise your unwillingness to visit me in prison...I depise that you can me a mother and I can't and last but certainly not least I depise you for treating me like a jerk and writing mean (untrue) things about me for the world to read. Pay back times are coming pal.
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